Tag Archives: cotton

Cotton Sheath Dress

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAt one point in time I tried using the Dresshop pattern software.  I didn’t get very far.  I made something like 6 mockups trying to get the basic slopers right and finally gave up.  I just couldn’t get the shoulders right on the tops and never got the pants right either.  I think that if I had known more about pattern drafting I might have gotten more out of it.  Eventually, my computer operating system was upgraded and the pattern drafting software no longer worked.

Along the way, I made this simple sheath dress  that is still in steady rotation in my summer wardrobe.  It’s made of Belgian cotton that I got at the Expo one year.  The print is periwinkle, yellow, grey and white.  It has only two pattern pieces and was quite simple to make with a few darts, a lining and an invisible zipper, my first I think.

This would be quite boring in a solid fabric but I think the simple design highlights the beautiful print.

Lessons learned: Don’t use cheap polyester lining in summer garments because it gets hot.  Rayon would have been better.